Festive Season Deliveries: 19th Dec - 13th Jan - Click for More info
Festive Season Deliveries: 19th Dec - 13th Jan - Click for More info
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Why is customer service so important to us?

We are here to support our community. This article is based around what we believe to be an integral part of what Omninela has been built on. It is a lot more than just a division within our business.

We're here to add value to assist and to empower every single person. For our brand specifically we're not just a company who's there for the products or the service.

We're there for the customers. We understand that our customers aren't just customers. They're patients and being in our current position in the industry this enables us to bring value to you as a customer and add value to your everyday life. This could be a result of many factors; it could be you are buying one of our items to assist with your daily routine or you need added value from us.

That is the reason why we've created the structures in place to make sure that we are educating you on the site with the correct information that you need to make an informed decision. We take pride in being able to do so.

 Providing content that is educational on the site. We then have our flows that you'll get via Email or SMS to make sure that from checkout to your door. You're having a process flow of all the tracking, all the information, product updates, so you can always be informed of what you are buying into when you buy from Omninela.

As the third added service, we just make sure that, you can give us a call. We may be a full online store but there are people behind the product. There are people behind the company, and we are here to support our community.

We are just a call away and we're here to support you. We are supporting on every level that we can as an online store, being transparent in things that may have been blocked off and rather cold-hearted on an e-commerce site but we are here to make sure, that you know there are humans behind the technology

PS: If you want to join our community SHOP ONLINE: Go here.


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