Orders Over R1000 are Free Delivery
Orders Over R1000 are Free Delivery
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Omninela Concierge Prescription Service

The Omninela team will assist with getting approval from your medical aid provider. Once all documents are received, we can submit claims to your medical aid on your behalf.

Our team will then follow up on the funding outcomes based on your medical benefit plan and advise on which products have been approved by your medical aid scheme.

For any queries emails us at medicalschemeadmin@omninela.co.za

Omninela Concierge Prescription Service Support hours:

  • Weekdays: 09:00 to 17:00
  • Weekends and Public Holidays: Closed

Orders for Delivery:

  • Your order will be delivered within 1 - 5 working days
  • Once Omninela receives medical aid scheme approval

Frequently Asked Questions:

    How do I claim off medical aid?
        • Purchase our products available with a NAPPI CODE via our website (www.omninela.co.za) as per normal.
        • An 'order confirmation' email will be sent to you once the item is purchased.

    Fill in this Medical Claim form with the following details:

        • Personal Information of Main Member
        • Medical Aid Scheme Information
        • Patient Details
        • Prescription Information
        • Healthcare Professional's Information

    The above details will be filled in on a Tax Invoice and sent to you which you can submit to your medical aid for a reimbursement (subject to your plan and what the medical aid will cover).

    Submit the Tax Invoice to your medical aid within 1 month of purchase.

    Which medical aids are you registered with?
    • We are affiliated with all of the Medical Aid Scheme providers that are registered with the Council for Medical Schemes in South Africa. 76 medical schemes in total

    Your medical aid provider will reimburse you for the amount of funds you have available.

    How do I know when medical aid have paid me?
    • Your medical aid provider will email you and Omninela letting us know how much they have paid you back for your claim, 3-7 working days, after you have submitted a claim.
    What does NAPPI stand for?
    • National Pharmaceutical Product Index (NAPPI CODE)
    What does this NAPPI code mean?
    • The NAPPI code is a unique coding system (identifier) for medicines, surgical or consumable products and medical procedures which allows you the consumer to claim a rebate / refund from your medical aid.
    • MediKredit has, over the years, undertaken the task to facilitate the adoption of NAPPI (National Pharmaceutical Product Interface) as a national electronic standard on behalf of the South African healthcare industry.
    • Enables you to apply for reimbursement from a medical aid scheme but is not a guarantee of reimbursement.
    What does this mean for you?
    • It means that your medical aid might reimburse your purchase. The reimbursement will come out of your medical savings plan.
    • Please contact your medical aid scheme and submit the NAPPI code provided.
    • We would like to emphasise that the reimbursement of your purchase is dependent on your medical aid provider’s terms.
    Payment Methods Secure payment methods to pay your way