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Festive Season Deliveries: 19th Dec - 13th Jan - Click for More info
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What to have on hand at home if you or family has COVID-19 - including the delta variant

If someone in your family tests positive for COVID-19, it's critical to take the appropriate steps to prevent the virus from spreading both within and beyond your home. There are also a number of basics that can help relieve COVID-19 symptoms like as congestion, sore throat, runny nose, and more. Here's what you'll need to look after yourself and others.

A thermometer

A COVID-19 infection might cause a fever. These days, having a thermometer at home to check your temperature if you or a family member isn't feeling well is a requirement. It'll also come in useful during cold and flu season.

Hand soap

It's crucial to wash your hands thoroughly, for at least 20 seconds or twice to the tune of "Happy Birthday." Handwashing is recommended frequently, but especially before eating or preparing food, using the toilet, leaving a public area, blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing, touching your mask, and caring for someone who is sick.

Face masks

While most individuals don't use face masks in their own homes, if you or someone in your family has COVID-19, you should start. Face masks not only assist to limit the transmission of the coronavirus, but they can also protect the wearer by reducing their exposure to contaminated droplets through mask filtration.

Humidifiers and air purifiers

Humidifiers can help alleviate some of the coronavirus's symptoms, such as cough and sore throat. Though it doesn't ensure against viral exposure, when combined with other sanitation best practices like hand washing and disinfection, it can help decrease airborne transmissions.

Disposable gloves

When disinfecting surfaces or handling objects such as garbage bags, filthy dishes, or tissues, disposable gloves should be used, especially when cleaning up after a sick person. To ensure the optimum protection, remove gloves immediately after use and wash your hands after removing them.

Pulse oximeters

Consider acquiring a pulse oximeter for yourself or a family member to assist monitor COVID-19 symptoms. These medical gadgets connect to the finger and monitor blood oxygen saturation, which scientists believe might be a sign of decreased lung capacity, a frequent coronavirus symptom. Hypoxia is defined as a blood oxygen saturation of less than 90%, which indicates that there is less oxygen in the blood than is required and may necessitate medical treatment. Though it isn't required for everyone, it may provide you with some piece of mind.

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